After being under lockdown for more than two months, businesses are now ready to resume their normal functioning. From June 8th, life will be just like it was before this pandemic. However, we may continue witnessing new coronavirus cases and deaths. The school and colleges and international travel will still remain shut. But it is time for us to step out of our houses and go back to work.
Although the government has permitted the offices to function in full strength, this doesn’t mean there is no danger. In fact, since the employees will start going to their offices, we need to take safety precautions more seriously than ever. In order to ensure the safety and good health of ourselves and our colleagues, it is essential to take necessary measures during Unlock 1.0. Here are a few steps working professionals can practice for protection against Covid-19.
Things You Should Do During Unlock 1.0
- Employees should wear a new mask every day when in a public place, a cloth mask will do good. Avoid proximity to people.
- All the employees should carry a spare mask as well as a hand sanitizer.
- Take your own water bottle and food to the office. Do not share food for yourself and your fellow employees’ safety.
- When carpooling, make sure there are not more than three people in a regular car and five in case of an SUV. Keep the windows of the vehicle open instead of turning on the air conditioner. Also, ensure that none of the passengers has any symptoms related to coronavirus.
- At the entrance of the office, trained staff should measure the employees’ temperature using a handheld thermal scanner.
- All the employees must sanitize their hands before entering the office.
- The staff guarding the office’s entrance should watch out for any person with symptoms of Covid-19, such as coughing, difficulty in breathing, throat pain, cold, etc. In case anyone is showing such symptoms, they should be referred to the nearby hospital immediately.
- The staff should avoid face-to-face interactions with anyone. Rather use phones or intercoms for communication.
- Keep practising social distancing in the office; maintain at least 1-meter distance from each other.
- Employees should practice using a tissue or folded elbow while sneezing. Throw the tissue in a closed dustbin.
- Make sure to sanitize your hands after touching any high-contact surface areas like a door handle, lift button, or railings.
- It would be best if offices have natural ventilation or lighting.
Things You Should Not Do During Lockdown 1.0
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth unnecessarily.
- Avoid any unneeded movement in the office or visiting others’ or their work station.
- Do not share any food or beverages in the office.
- It is best if you reduce face-to-face interactions as much as possible.
- No hugging or handshakes or any physical contact.
- Avoid taking public transports as much as possible. In case you have to, maintain at least a 1-meter distance from the other people.
- Limit using public washrooms as far as possible.
- Keep washing and sanitizing your hands regularly.
- Do not use common towels in public toilets. Use hand driers or tissue paper (dispose of the used tissue in a closed bin).
- While traveling, avoid rush hours, and visiting crowded places.
Coronavirus is indeed a significant challenge, but you do not have to be fearful. Instead, deal with it by taking proper measures. Practice the steps mentioned above for the safety of yourself and the people around you.
With these precautionary measures, you can remain safe during this Unlock 1.0 without letting your work suffer. Practice social distancing, stay safe, stay healthy!
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tireless IT Services. Tireless IT Services is a digital marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC, and web development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, web designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Safety Measures Employees Should Take During Unlock 1.0, Tireless IT Services